Familia Zeneidas
What is Zeneidas?
It is living barefoot, sharing a chilled philosophy of life, being constantly salty and surrounded by jungles and the ocean, it is getting up with sunrise to see the waves go by, it is making a family with people who end up staying for months even though they came for two days.
It is building a community, creating ties that continue to unite us even when we go back home.
It is about changing a life-style and creating new values, living at your own pace and resetting yourself, it is realizing that life is simple and much more beautiful when shared.
To visit us you must get to Santa Teresa, a small town on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica of which a legend tells that it is located above a quartz plate that makes it "magical". Located between the sea and the mountains it is known for its constant good waves, lush nature, spirituality and yoga.

Many people from different parts of the world choose this place not only as holiday destination, but also as temporary home perfect for digital nomads, as well as those who move here permanently enchanted by connection with nature, purity of life and international community.
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