Zeneidas Surf Camp
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Zeneidas Surf Camp
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"Let the waves carry you where the light can not"
– Mohit Kaushik
Surfing is a very special gift that reminds you about the power of connection with ocean, nature and yourself, stripping away unnecessary worries of busy hassled life. For us surfing is much more than a sport, a workout or a leisure activity. It is a lifestyle, which we were inspired to share with you, designing a very special Surf Camp. One-week transformative journey where along with surf lessons, we invite you to experience a soulful connection with your true nature. So together with new skills and exciting memories you can take home a deep sense of fulfillment, freedom and purpose.
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  • The camp is confirmed with a minimum number of 6 participants.
  • The deposit to reserve your spot is 50% and it is refundable up to 30 days before the camp with deduction of commission for transfers. Later it can be refunded only if the participant gets a replacement in their place.
  • If for reasons of force majeure the camp cannot be made, the date will be postponed and the registered person can come for the new surf camp date. Same applies in case for reasons of force majeure a person cannot travel from their country.
Packages for Surf Camps -
February, March & April 2024!
$2222 / person
Shared Beachfront House

10% OFF - EARLY BIRD offer!
$2828 / person
Private Beach Cabin
  • 2nd person - 20% OFF
$3333 / person
Private Deluxe Studio
  • 2nd person - 20% OFF
For Surfers of All Levels
At our surf camp, we welcome surfers of all skill levels, ensuring an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. Whether you're a beginner looking to catch your first wave or an experienced surfer seeking to refine your skills, our camp is the perfect place for you. Our expert instructors cater to individual needs and provide personalized guidance to help you progress at your own pace. Every lesson is done within a group of 3-4 people and last about 1.5-2 hours. We choose the best surfing conditions during the day and make surfing trips to nearby beaches. In the middle of the camp you have a video analysis session, where our instructors give game-changing tips to radically improve your progress.
What is Included
  • 7 days / 6 nights stay in front of the sea
  • 4 surf lessons adapted to your level with certified local surf instructors
  • Photo/video report + Video-analysis for intermediate surfers
  • Daily breakfasts & 5 special dinners
  • Daily Yoga classes and meditations
  • Ceramic workshop
  • Waterfall adventure and neibourhood tours
  • Rebirthing Breathwork
  • Ceremonies and Sound Healing
  • 3 Ice-Baths
  • Only Good Vibes!
  • Surf Lessons for All levels
    Our certified instructors are the best to help you make your first steps on the board or give necessary coaching for experienced surfers.
  • Yoga & Meditation
    The inner state creates the outer form. Restore your balance through ancient practice of physical postures, pranayama and meditation.
  • Rebirthing Breathwork
    & Ice-Bath
    Immerse yourself in icy waters for a brief period to boost circulation and promote muscle recovery and mental clarity.
  • Ceremonies &
    Sound Healing
    Enjoy special time with cacao ceremonies, sound healing and mantra singing with our community
  • Video Analysis &
    Surfing Memories
    We offer professional feedback on your surfing skills through the video-analysis for intermediate surfers, and capture best moments with photos & videos for all.
  • Clay Workshop:
    Sculpt. Create. Inspire
    Unleash your creativity in our immersive ceramic class and craft stunning clay creations.
  • Nourishing Feast:
    Breakfasts & Dinners
    Take care of your body with fresh fruit snacks, delicious breakfasts and healthy dinners prepared by our chef.
  • Waterfall Adventure &
    Neighborhood Tours
    Embark on thrilling off-road adventures with an ATV to explore jungle surroundings and waterfalls.
Pick Up Your Dates
We run Surf Camps several times a year! Choose the one which suits you best and let us know sooner than later because the number of spots is limited.
Te propongo una experiencia particular...
Un viaje a Santa Teresa, un lugar energéticamente especial de Costa Rica.
Donde sí hay apertura, ¡todo sucede!

Una semana a pasos de la playa durante cuál juntos con el Surf experimentamos una plenitud de prácticas que van a transformar tu cuerpo, mente y espíritu! Un viaje tanto a las profundidades de tu ser y auto-descubrimiento como una oportunidad de conexión con el entorno, naturaleza y un grupo diverso de personas que en 7 días se convierten en una familia.
¿Alguna vez has participado en una experiencia que desafía tu forma de pensar y te invita a expandirte?
Este es uno de nuestros propósitos!

¡La mejor parte es que te sostenemos en cada momento por el equipo de profesionales que junto con sus técnicas compartirán su filosofía de vida y te apoyarán en tu propio viaje hacia una mejor versión de ti mismo.
Si estas listo, te invito a.....

Sólo te pedimos que te mantengas abierto, que te entregues y estés preparado para una aventura que cambiará tu vida:
  • 7 days / 6 nights de alojamiento frente a la playa
  • 4 Clases de Surf para todos los niveles con instructores certificados
  • Clases Diarias de Yoga y Meditación
  • 3 Baños de Hielo
  • Taller de Ceramica
  • Tour con ATV y caminata a las Cascadas
  • Taller de Respiración Consciente
  • Ceremonia de Cacao y Cantos Sagrados
  • Sanación con sonido
  • Video y fotos de recuerdos
  • Desayunos nutritivos y cenas diarios

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